English Luna Moon

New Moon from the Other Side: Friday, September 18, 2009

Ciclo 6 | Vuelo 6 | Día Solar: 87 | Día Lunar: 27 | Gregoriano: 15/IX/09

* Lea la versión en castellano aquí

Las Pichitankas

Pluri Multi Greetings!

The Moon from the Other Side brought us to you, where life unfolds multi-dimensionally and carries the seal for next three years.

In this flight everything is plural and we chase no more life in several worlds, we live in several worlds at once:

New Moon: Multiplying the Movement

Navigation around the Sun: South, Spring Equinox initiates Germination

North, Autumn Equinox initiates Balance (start your Transition to Next Solar Cycle)

Dance in the Solar System: The Riding Hood invites to travel several roads simultaneously

under the auspicious winds of Multi-Dimensionality


Ciclo LunarSouthern Hemisphere: Moon of Dew to see first fruits and adjust them

Northern Hemisphere: Harvest Moon to see what we sowed and incubate life

Channels in both hemispheres: Multiplying the Movement

Rueda del Recuerdo - Memory Wheel

Lunar Month

New: Friday, September 18, 18:44 UT (14:44 Bolivia)

Waxing: Saturday, September 26, 04:50 UT

Full: Sunday, October 4, 06:10 TU

Waning: Sunday, October 11, 08:56 TU

Source: U.S. Naval Observatory


If las Lunar month shifted our perception for next three years, this one will make us live those perceptions multiplying our movement, leaving ‘out of the body’ as an obsolete trick and taking us to unthinkable dimensions. Synchronizing to Solar Cycle and dispositions in heavens we will be several in one. New Moon will push ua into acting in different fields at the same time. Shouldn’t bite more than you could chew? Only if you still vibrate in mono-world frequencies. Life now flows multidimensionally.


Ciclo Solar

Equinox: Tuesday, September 22, 21:18 UT (17:18 Bolivia)

South: Spring Equinox; on the 94th Solar Day initiates the Third Phase of the Solar Cycle/Year = Germination

North: Autumn Equinox; on the 274th Solar Day initiates the Seventh Phase of the Solar Cycle/Day

Remember cosmic emanations are accelerated and we are already living the next phase of the Solar Cycle, but also of other natural cycles, so in order to vibrate synchronizing it’s all about already living as if we were 3 weeks ahead, without stopping to live the present that does not erase, rather mixing dimensions.

This last part is important and deserves further explanation. Soon we will realizr that in the new sidereal home living mul-dimensionally intensifies and that demands we stop focusing on just one world. That road, better said roads, are traveled activating asleep polarities and potentialities. Soon, Los Bosques will have Workshops for Multi.Dimensional Activation. Menawhile, live in the future while you unfold in the present.

Madre Naturaleza en Equinoccio de Primavera - Mother Nature in Spring Equinox www.losbosques.netSouther Hemisphere:

Solar Cycle Pahse/ Vital Emanation: Germination

Germinación | Germination www.losbosques.netNavigation: Kingdoms of Water and Air in equal proportions

Forces and Potencies: Humidity

Life Planning: Adjustments when receiving the first fruits of the effort in order to insure we are inthe right track. When this phase comes in, it also shows us what will predominate in our lives throughout the year. The key question is what is emerging in my life? And see if that is what we want, if we need adjustments or intensify because that’s what we are. See also Mother Nature in Spring Equinox.

Dorkhyt: Synchronization with three slow breathings and let breadth flow; Evocation early in the morning looking for your own emanation.

Incubating LifeHemisferio Norte:

synk-balanceSolar Cycle Phase/ Vital Emanation: Balance

Navigation: Kingdoms of Fire and Earth in equal proportions

Forces and Potencies: Dry

Life Planning: Harvest what we sowed and start ‘incubating life’. How? Applying the Transition to Next Solar Cycle, whi also brings a downloadable guide.

Dorkhyt: Synchronization with your own breadth through 3 slow breathings and 4 sighs; Evocation at dusk calling yourself.



Gigantes SolaresDrawn in Heavens: The Riding Hood

Previous: Looking into the disposition of the skies is to restitute unseen worlds remembering different roles we perform in the music of the spheres as vibrational keys, diverse as the life we are while we move through space, giving colors and shapes to our manifest worlds.

Dispositions still active:


Arthur Rocham - Ilustración de 1910 para Das Rheingold de WagnerNew disposition: Multidimensionality

The Lunar Month about to withdraw channeled the Accelerated Vibrationpreparing the entrance to the threshold of the next 3 years, and with a Shift in Time adjusted us to rythms and frequencies that govern in sidereal immensities we reside at now.

We are on the other side. It’s felt. No need to look for global evidence, feel your life: what worked demands adjustments, heart accelerations made more than one fear for a heart attack, body and electronic de-configurations, new perceptions that before were not part of us, constant sensation that something else is waiting for us, changes in the way we relate to others, road dispersion among those who used to walk together, greater easiness to do two or more things at the same time, many things demanding attention and all are priorities, the horizon is already horizons, alternatives multiply taking to confusion…

In consequence, the new disposition of the Solar System will emanate de-composing life’s multi-dimensionality, signaling in heavens towards the Riding Hood: moment has come to travel the new roads simultaneously and emanations are also multidimensional. Here some of them:

1. Definitive manifestation of the new weakening what no longer is which stops being part of the agenda (Saturn – Uranus – Mercury – Earth)

2. Transformation with new components and correspondences (Pluto – Mars – Venus)

3. Creation of new cycles that liberate hindrances (Venus – Saturn – Jupiter – Chiron)

4. New ways to act: facilitating battle disappears (Saturn – Mars – Chiron – Jupiter)

5. What opposes constricts itself (Mars – Pluto – Saturn)

In what was, world still unfolding, Earth will see her energies diminished before apparent barriers emerging everywhere, rather hidden the motives that seduce into not accepting the new cycles (Saturn – Sun – Uranus – Pluto -Moon). The decision is taken, there are other worlds waiting for us and the sooner we cut bonds, the clearer will be our multidimensional life.

Right today, September 15, the third encounter between Saturn and Uranus is the main actor that initiates on the Other Side LIfe of Multidimensionality. If you want more information on this encounter, as well as sidereal dispositions for next three years, it’s worth visiting  Nick Anthony Fiorenza ‘s site who makes valuable efforts to transmit what’s drawn in heavens composing our lives, and sees in this encounter ‘The Turn’.


The Book - Bolivia - A Journey by Ron DubinTo start looking at Life’s Muldimensionality:

I enjoy Bolivia looking at her multidimensionality, not only in the diversity of its people, also on her weather, customs, geography… each turn a new world emerges.

The evidence in this  photos; there are more in the site, and each one comes with feelings and music, like this one. Ron Dubin, the author, is also a friend in Twitter:  @rtd13

Look for multidimensionality in your life wherever you are, look at your own multidimensionality in worlds co-inhabiting with yours.


May Your Life Unfold Her Multidimensionality!


In Los Bosques you can synchronize to your cycles, worlds and yourself  starting your reactivation now, remembering our  forgotten history and requesting your Dorkhyt to remember who you are and which your life purpose.

Las Pichitankas
