English Luna Moon

Full Moon and New Solar Phase 6 November 2014

Moon surfacing from essence returning what we were before we have been

Read feeling not thinking
Ciclo 11 | Vuelo 10 | Día Solar: 134 | Día Lunar: 10 | Gregoriano: 1/IX/2014

Versión en castellano

This Full Moon, mediating the new solar phase, broadcasting through the ether
enough information to adequate our molecules to its frequencies
that out of so much sense received will produce the Affluence of Essence


 And here are the three last solar phases that caused this one:



Return to Sense September 23 2014


Visiting the Kingdoms of Mystery August 7 2014



Sitting with Mystery June 21 2014[/one_third_last]To understand how travelling throughout space essence surfaced on us:

[one_third]Mystery visited us and then took us to visit his kingdoms
amazed at how everything made sense we returned lucid
though devastated with nonsense spreading here.[/one_third]
[one_third]Watering fragrances of sense every which way
wanting everything to recover sense or at least sanity
but wish always exceeds itself without warning.[/one_third]
[one_third_last]In an almost quantum formula sense plus sense
did not output potential or assured sense
rather transmuted itself and essence surfaced.[/one_third_last]


[colored_box title=”other tides traversing us this lunar month” variation=”mauve” bgColor=”#0d0d0d” textColor=”#778899″]
Dispositions from Solar Giants (heliocentric, tides impregnating us): Role Changing
Dispositions seen from Earth (geocentric, what we will see): What’s Lost
Lunar Month 24 September to 22 October (Our sensations): ‘something is missing here’
Emanations from the Moon (our emotions): Unfathomable





Locally, strings still vibrating on us
from eclipse on October 23: Concealment
taking into the shadows parts of reality



Eclipse returning every 18 years since 1870
playing hide and seek attracting like a magnet
keeping under the light its shadows



Of how essence is sufficient to itself:

Essence does not lie nor compete or try to prove nothing. Its scent is authentic.
Does not brag about knowing everything nor carries absolute truths, though does scatter in fractals.
Less attempt to be something else for nothing exceeds what it already is. Nor looks for followers.

Hurried those who move strings will try to tie its vapors…
Desperate those who draw heavens will try to bottle aromas…
Frenzied those who praise themselves of being wisdom will make every effort to write it in perfumes….

All in vain. That one, among vapors and scents is reached only by its essence.
To the surface will come what was before having been and what will be after it has been.
Hidden fate but not lost. Essential genuine aroma. Our essence will surface.


The penetrating essence like a tuning fork will mix the tides:
to those of the eclipse will change polarities from hidden to seen and vice versa
to our new roles will impregnate authenticity polishing poses
to tensions, sense, showing how far we went from what we are

(Interactions from the giants: tuning fork: Venus, Uranus, Jupiter, Chiron
new roles > Pluto, Chiron, Earth
tensions > Jupiter, Mars, Neptune, Mercury, Earth, Venus)

The essence on Earth will take us closer to what was lost that was only hidden
and through the bombardment of emotions we will remain with sensitive fragrances
and we will initiate the restitution of initial objectives cleaning distortions

(Interactions seen from Earth: lost > Lilith, Pluto, Jupiter, Mars
bombardment of emotions > Moon, Sun, Venus
restitution > Mercury, Mars, Pluto, Moon, Chiron)


Unexpectedly the essence will surface on us, without waiting for it and maybe without knowing it
we will feel we lost something when in fact we are recovering ourselves,
like those surprises Jupiter made us used to but not warned of.


Like the global symbol that arrived with the Affluence of Essence,
almost like saying we climbed on essence tide came that logo
revealing among its curves that refer more to an ethereal presence
than to a soccer ball, almost like recovering that something we have lost


Essential to enjoy our essence:

Rediscover the scents of our being
Recognize ourselves in our most remote folds
Walk being the scent of our essence

 May the scent of the essence give us back what we are!