Rueda de la Vida

New Solar Phase 5 May 2014 Decodings

We’ll navigate under de-coding rains 5 May 20 June 2014

4th Quarter Samhain Beltane May 2014


This point in space is deciphered
by the enigma of a wheel that remains inverted.
Of worlds we know; but about this one, nearly nothing.

Encrypted world where tongue, language and pose
re-code codes already de-codified
unleashing short circuits and scorching allegories.

For Pandora did not transgress but deciphered.
For the box had no ‘evils’ but answers.
For they re-coded to invent the invention.

Shall mutate, all codes mutating and mutants.
Except one: inmmutable, invariable, imperturbable.
Every day barely ‘another day in paradise’.

Along with the burden of our codes in disuse,
tired of walking someone’s, there could be room,
by design or sanity, to decipher ourselves.

Through the fissures, cracks and joints,
among the mists of amorphous worlds, we shall appear,
without adornments, de-coded by a beam.

We shall enter the next stretch without an eye mask,
braiding the code of the unwritten eras,
with the ribbon of proscribed species.


[colored_box title=”Solar Phase May 5 to June 20 2014″ variation=”mauve” bgColor=”#0d0d0d” textColor=”#778899″]

This is the middle point between the Equinox (March 20) and the Solstice (June 21). Peoples’ celebrations initiate the phase between April 30 and May 7.

Southern Hemisphere reaches Appeasement and the veil between the worlds are thinner, the North starts Growth.

Sidereal spaces we went through are ciphered with deciphering tides. We are living under a new code swallowing all minor codes. Solar giants slip through a crack the decoding for the new code

On May 1st, insisting: “it was about living” [/colored_box]