Attunements English

I Am You, Whispering

I am the past you forgot, without the first or the last upsetting you.
I am the shadow carrying what your absence neglects.
I am the magic you dream with at twilight, archaic and invariable.

I am the vastness of your being, wearing no limits nor documents, ever free.
I am the wish sleeping on your pillow and disturbing your lap, I am you,  whispering.
I am the last sigh that escaped from your reiterative image.

I am the drop carrying your seed, the footprints drawn by your walk.
I am your life speaking louder than the mirages hiding your horizon.
I am your mystery unfolding the wings without the tale you swallowed.

I am the tear finding yourself, the shiver remembering yourself.
I am the best kept secret, resting on your roots placidly.
I am you in the darkness, while you shake us coming and going.

*Click on images to go to the source

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