English Luna Moon

Full Moon July 3 2012 | Transportation between Times

Emanations from the Full Moon and the Solar System

Remember to read feeling not thinking

Ciclo 9 | Vuelo 1 | Día Solar: 9 | Día Lunar: 10 | Gregoriano: 28/VI/12


Read previously New Moon June 19 2012, you’ll also find links from our navigation during the last solar phase.

Emanations from the Full Moon > Deliriously Explosive
Full Moon, July 3, 18:52 UT > New Moon came Loquaciously Constructive, exalted throughout these two weeks, loquacious turned into verbosity and constructions into lucubrations. On the Full Moon, these intensities reach the boiling point and emotions turn deliriously explosive. A grounding cable or many could be handy.

Dispositions seen from the Earth > Altering Dissaggregation
Besides, the Moon will perform a triggering role on Disaggregation, which for the New Moon separated our parts showing many ‘truths’ that now want to reaffirm themselves and from their own rigidities will confront anything trying to deny them, turning them violent and forcing results that later on the wind will erase. This clash of rigidities altering orders is promoted by the Moon, Pluto, Uranus, Sun and Mars.

At the individual level, walking with emotions deliriously explosive and forcing results, will leave us with such an ephemeral triumph illusion that right away will bump into our own rigidities. Venus, Jupiter and Lilith will be in charge of this, which are stopping Mars aggresiveness.

Dispositions from Solar Giants > Transportation Between Times
Busy with the Moon Deliriously Explosive and watching on Earth The Altering Disaggregation, we have almost forgotten we are bathed by The Precursor Solstice, moved by Reverse Magnetization and that in the Solar System, Transportation between Times is underway, altering times suddenly and leaving us with a peculiar Wheel of Life for the next six months (see New Moon June 19).

Now for the Full Moon, all that propitiates the deformation of forms on blurred and crossed spaces. The opposite from Disaggregation which separates the parts, now that forms are blurred, spaces erase their limits. Four movements undergoing, independent though crossing the space of the next or previous one: Jupiter and Mercury (spaces crossed), Saturn and Venus (times crossed), Pluto and Uranus (limits crossed), Neptune and Jupiter (processes crossed). Jupiter starts and ends this criss-cross, bringing in its inseminating lightning the seed of new paradigns still under development but not born yet.


Drawn in heavens > We’ll enter the port on the Black Dragon’s Barge, after 4 months on the Quest Journeys, with results from our efforts manifesting while we sail the Third Wave. Links to Quest Journeys: Courteous Gathering | Quest Journeys | The First Wave | The Second Wave

May your navigation bridge the shores of visible and invisible on this wolrd where what we see is nothing else but the consequence of the unseen!

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