English Luna Moon

Full Moon 5 January 2014

Moon getting into our axes to expand us without limits

Read feeling not thinking
Ciclo 11 | Vuelo 14 | Día Solar: 197 | Día Lunar: 13 | Gregoriano: 3/I/2015

Versión en castellano


Reminder of the events: the Earth (and therefore us)
radiates the entire Solar System through the axes
in vertiginous turns inserting a new space.

Take note deeply: from here, from the axes we radiate all others.
There are still monitors trying to understand where did the discharges came from,
the electromagnetic changes and 90º veers on the axes.


It was The Vertiginous that literally parted the axes without revealing herself,
inserting on us a space that now is the axis of our acts,
soon she will come to a halt and her effects will reveal sharply with the Full Moon.

We are where we were but what we see is different,
we are what we were but the roads are not the same,
we are going where we wanted but the landscape shows something else.


First, because the Earth (us) engages with the 90º of Uranus and Pluto,
and in spite of imposing her 180º life veered on us,
by the obstinate future protecting itself from being profiled without permission.

Second, because even though the Earth (us) untied the knot in dispute
among Saturn, Pluto and Venus about which was the road to follow,
the passing of comet Lovejoy left them insecure feeling was taking away from them.


Third, because the Earth (us) gave a wink to Neptune Chiron and Mars
to find the way out quietly through the diagonal while the rest were shouting
unable to hear the new axis enters and goes out needing no roads.

Fourth, because the Earth (us) also radiates through the axis of Mercury and Chiron
visiting each other once more, very pleasant meetings, for them and for everyone:
new recipes to overcome vicious cycles in health or the lack of it.


From the Earth (us) and towards the outside, in our surroundings, we stay on small things:
we still have embedded the image of Earth very small among the solar giants
which makes difficult to see her as this Lunar month’s protagonist veering the Solar System.

Monitors show yet only the tides we receive, not the ones we send,
we see ourselves as receivers of waves and not as wave transmitters,
still once in a while we know we are the axis but we do not know of what.


Maybe that’s why from the Earth, instead of seeing the planet carving the future
through the axis of Uranus and Pluto, we see the Sun and Moon opposed to such future…
we see Neptune, Chiron and Mars as a menace bringing to light wrong doings…
and Pluto with the Sun sweeping transgressions as if they were real inconveniences…

The Vertiginous veered our axis but not life still waiting for us,
the precaution sensation helps us not to trust realities that come done already,
emotions are accurate, they will not accept less than is expected and aim beyond the galaxy.


The key is not to feel threatened, no matter what we see, the future is ours.
The gift, more than nine triads for the Full Moon announce magical moments.
The Vertiginous bonus will pronounce itself when we irradiate beyond the Solar System.

Maybe that’s why predictions of a supposed ‘2015’ had almost no audience,
the obstinate future rejects to wear borrowed colors on others’ landscapes.
The Vertiginous veered our axis vertiginously and carries designs with vertigo of its own.

May our axis find no limits nor transgress those of anyone for spaces are more than enough!

*Click on images to go to sources

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Las Pichitankas

Additional Data on Tides Flowing through Us:

[colored_box title=”other tides traversing us this lunar month” variation=”mauve” bgColor=”#0d0d0d” textColor=”#778899″]

Dispositions from Solar Giants (heliocentric, tides impregnating us): Vertiginous Airs
Dispositions seen from Earth (geocentric, what we will see): Close but separated
Lunar Month November 22 December to 19 January (Our sensations): Precaution
Emanations from the Moon (our emotions): Accurate in the presence of vacillation
Moon Phases: New Dec 22 01:36 Crescent Dec 28 18:31 Full Jan 5 04:53 Waning Jan 13 09:47


[colored_box title=”The Last Three Moons:” variation=”mauve” bgColor=”#0d0d0d” textColor=”#778899″][/colored_box]




New Moon 22 December 2014



Full Moon 6 Dec 2014




New Moon 22 Nov 2014


[colored_box title=”The last two eclipses still flowing through us:” variation=”mauve” bgColor=”#0d0d0d” textColor=”#778899″][/colored_box]



Eclipse October 8 
Building blocks which
multiply in fractals
(just like a chain reaction)



Eclipse October 23 2014
Folds hiding parts
of reality without ceasing to exist
(naturally or by manipulation)


[colored_box title=”The Last Solstice:” variation=”mauve” bgColor=”#0d0d0d” textColor=”#778899″][/colored_box]


The Vertiginous in Our Axes-  Solstice 21 Dec 2014