English Moments

Encounters: The Resounding Forces of the Peoples’ Conference – Part 2

On the Peoples Agreement at the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and Right of Mother Earth there are many angles for all sides not to recognize themselves in its contents that touch everyone; ours, yours, elses and ourselves.

Reading between the lines horrors run through me seeing registered the ‘history’ of a civilization priding itself of being ‘civilized’, providing oncoming existences, to say the least, and devious, to be blunt, or avoiding to deviate from evident facts, survivals: for until today, few live and almost everyone survives feeding monsters.


In another reading, through the phrase: “forge a new system that restores harmony with nature and among human beings” gallops an untold history though lived in Working Group 2: Harmony with Nature, and like it there are seventeen other, becoming thousands of histories, where the forceful forces of the Worlds People’s Conference flowed.


Working Groups full of proposals, exceeding attention and space capacities, refuting time limitations, resisting the ‘status quo’ charges, defying other visions so one’s own is not left out, dodging deceitful impositions, accepting there is room for everyone, listening beyond appearances, remembering views are infinite, recognizing one view is limitedd and many widen the fan of landscapes.


Processes built by multiple participations, where course does not only start with proposals, but within previous concerted moments to agree even on such words as ‘Harmony’ and ‘Nature’, until seizing that harmony is different for each one and there are many natures.

Then, and only then, the richness of encounters unleash, when walls fall and a shared forest is discerned to start walking together. The hardest and longest stage, for it’s the moment to recognize  ourselves in others and not only in one’s self.

And that’s hard work. While those encounters do not arrive, the process is not born nor does it have the required forces to be.

At the ‘Harmony with Nature’ Group, before walking, even the nature of boosts from documents that came from the previous process of the Conference were discussed, questioning why a comma and not the point to stop being what we do not want to as well as words that damage the dignity of some although not everyone’s.


After that, we walk together but not jumbled, and there are stops to make sure one’s footprint is stamped on the limitation of constraining words:

“sustainable? No, substantiable covers sustainable”

“…1% of the population controls 50% of the wealth… it has to be clear that 20% of the population consumes 80% of the resources”

“…forge a new system… we need concrete things…”

“sister, a new system in harmony with nature is going back to nature”

“What could be more concrete than that!”

“…in new and existent sustainable technologies.. it’s missing the recovery of ancestral technologies…”

“…the principle of fairness in goods distribution… we are using the other’s speech, it should say resources instead of goods…”

“The HDI does not show us” (Human Development Index)


Many readings, proposals, drafts, argumentations, debates, changes, dissents, agreements, among many, among diverse people, among different ones, until reaching the Plenary where Working Group conclusions are approved. And before us paragraphs appear, might not be all we wanted but you can feel a shared force and the certainty that your own footprint is there, that it was done among everyone and the different ones are recognized or those we looked at with differences, like when you start talking about the person and end up mentioning the peoples.

Those ‘pertainings’ born from experiences are the unsttopable forces that although recorded one wishes it can be shared with those not present, so they can be replicated everywhere and we are part of decisions in our lives.

They are also the mandates to be defended in any forum and from any distance, they are the reason people take to the streets, they are the calls to encounter among us, they are the May 1 repeating each day, they are the liberation struggles walked by foot.

Forces by encounters that have been and are part of the peoples’ histories, that leave a mark and leave a footprint and take footprints to keep on encountering while we remember who we are to multiply life, not survival.
